October: Rift CardBack

It took me a bit to get around to it, but I've made a few designs for the card backs to choose from. Version 1 is the design I threw together when I first built the game, to get the play tests up and running. It didn't come out well in the print at first, but then I brightened everything and it came out pretty decently. I still think it can tend to look like a couple of formless blobs, which isn't a very exciting look. However, with it brightened and if you take a moment to stare at it you can make out that it is a map. Fans of the game might realize it is a map of Runeterra. Other people probably won't really know what it is supposed to be.

Since I am making a set for Shon, I think it would be appropriate for him to choose the back he wants out of the candidates I've managed to generate. So, without further exposition:

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]


  1. I like number one. Maps are always interesting to me. I hope the detail comes through on the print.
    Are the symbols in number two related to the factions in the game; or the colors in 3 and 4?

    1. The symbols in 2 are for the regions of the game. Every region is there except for Shurima and Piltover (because I didn't make any Champions from those regions)

      3&4 are based off the level borders. Not sure when you played last, but awhile ago they removed the level cap and added a bunch of borders though level 300 or... maybe higher. Not even sure.

    2. And when I wrote "regions" I meant essentially the same thing as factions. They (Riot) started calling them regions, so it's in my head now.


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