October: Rift Rethought

All Champions have been updated to the new standards and their corresponding cards have been updated as well (the artwork). I've also lightened even more cards to make them easier to read. Hopefully none of the cards are very difficult to read any more.

Part of the update was to remove the ability shorthand from the Champion cards (the cards that are in play on the board). My opinion was that the shorthand description of the abilities was interesting and even communicated well, however, since the cards were in play and typically located underneath other cards, this extra information served no real function beyond covering up the artwork and potentially confusing people who were new to the game ("What's that? What does it mean? How do I read it?").

The Champion cards which go into play on the board now only have the name, health, basic attack damage, rarity border and icons/names for their traits/actions/reactions. Just a simple overview of what the Champion is.
[ OLD ]   [ NEW ] 

I printed a set to replace my own play test assets so that I will be able to get play tests back up and running. With this set I also tried out a new gloss coat to see if it will make a suitable replacement for the very expensive deft gloss. However, this new coating takes a full two days to properly cure for handling (to avoid fingerprints), so it does slow down the production time considerably.

As of writing this post, I have 36/135 cards completed, and am aiming to have another 36 done by Sunday. I think my own play tests can be back up and running by a week from Sunday.

So, where does this leave me with the set going out to ZAO? I think I am going to push forward and just make it as a priority. My tentative ETA would be Christmas, but in reality I am hoping to have it done much sooner. Maybe even before Thanksgiving.

The entire set contains 260 cards, but the reduced play test set only contains about 150 cards. I can do 36 cards maximum during each round of production. That works out to 5 rounds of production. Each round of production (with the new surface coat) takes 4 days. So, depending on how much time I will actually have for production, it should take around 20 days to build the whole starter set (+shipping time). I think it is feasible to have it out by Thanksgiving so that's my current hope. It is optimistic perhaps, but something to aim at.


  1. I like the card update. It looks a little cleaner. I wish I could help. Thanks for the update.


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